Detect Release Automatically


  "release": "my-project-name@1.0.0"

SDK Examples

Python SDK-SENTRY_RELEASE env variable
- Output of git rev-parse HEAD
Rust SDK-SENTRY_RELEASE env if nothing was explicitly sent. & example snippets include release: sentry::release_name!()
Browser SDK1. the SENTRY_RELEASE global var injected by bundlers (like webpack plugin): link
2. and then falls back to undefined
Node SDK1. release parameter
3. global var
- variety of env variables
4. and then falls back to undefined
Dart/Flutter- SENTRY_RELEASE environment variable- -dart-define=SENTRY_RELEASE dart define variable
- SDK init options.release
By default, it uses the appId@appVersion+buildNumber whenever possible/available.
Java- SDK init options
- file
- defaults to git commit_id for spring-boot
Android(Java)- SDK init options
- AndroidManifest.xml io.sentry.release metadata
- By default, it uses the appId@appVersion+buildNumber
Cocoa/AppleThe SDK sets the default, which is CFBundleIdentifier@CFBundleShortVersionString+CFBundleVersion, on the init of the Options. An example is io.sentry.sample.iOS-Swift@7.31.2+1
React Native- SDK init options (overrides platform defaults)
- platform default
- platform default
- SENTRY_RELEASE environment variable only source maps upload
UnitySDK defaults to $"{productName}@{application.Version}"+{application.BuildGUID}" on initializing SentryUnityOptions
CapacitorSame rules as Browser, otherwise fetch from the native SDK
- id as CFBundleIdentifier
- version as CFBundleShortVersionString
- build as CFBundleVersion
- id as packageName
- version as versionName
- build as versionCode
Cordovagets from SENTRY_RELEASE, or it's set by Sentry CLI from the command sentry-cli releases propose-version during build (the hash from the last commit)
PackageName: the application package name for Android/iOS and the application GUID for UWP.
VersionString: versionName on Android, CFBundleVersion on iOS, Assembly version on UWP.
BuildString: versionCode on Android, CFBundleShortVersionString on iOS.
PHPin order of precedence:
- options.release
Rubyin order of precedence:
- config.release
- git rev-parse —short HEAD if .git present
- capistrano REVISION file or from revisions.log
- ENV['HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT'] if on heroku
- nil otherwise
Golangin order of precedence:
- options.Release
- various env vars
- git describe --long --always --dirty
.NETIn order of precedence:
- The release configuration option if set
- The SENTRY_RELEASE env var if set
- "{AssemblyName}@{AssemblyInformationalVersion}" based on the entry assembly, when an informational version attribute is present (commonly set by csproj <Version> tag in modern .NET)
- "{AssemblyName}@{AssemblyVersion}" based on the entry assembly, using the full assembly version (usually in older .NET Framework)

Varies slightly for mobile.
On .NET Android:
- The release configuration option if set
- "{PackageName}@{PackageVersion}+{PackageVersionCode}" from the Android package. (Should matche appId@appVersion+buildNumber from the Android SDK.)

On .NET for iOS/MacCatalyst:
- The Release configuration option if set
- "{CFBundleIdentifier}@{CFBundleShortVersionString}+{CFBundleVersion}" which matches the iOS SDK.
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